Unofficial website of Memories Alive at Weston Cemetery (Weston Cemetery Walk)
Unofficial Art Tour of Rensselaer
The official website of the City of Rensselaer: http://www.cityofrensselaerin.com/
The Rensselaer branch of the the Jasper County Library offers many programs. Their calendar is at: http://engagedpatrons.org/EventsCalendar.cfm?SiteID=8102
The water flow in the Iroquois River is measured east of Rensselaer by the USGS at: http://waterdata.usgs.gov/in/nwis/uv?sit
https://beacon.schneidercorp.com/Application.aspx?AppID=509&LayerID=7887&PageTypeID=2&PageID=3844 Who owns what and where in Jasper County.
Weather, Rensselaer and area.
City of Rensselaer; Minutes of City Council, Park Board, Board of Public Works and Safety
Jasper County Government Document CenterRensselaer Central School Board Minutes (called Board Bits)