Enjoying Autumn
We are either at or slightly past peak color. Tuesday was very windy and a lot of leaves left the trees. It was fun watching them race down the north-south streets. Trees that are spectacular one day can be partially bare a couple days later, so enjoy what we have because it will not last long.
Tulip trees turn golden in the Fall.
Some oaks have pretty fall leaves, but my oaks just turn brown.Have a candy-filled eve of All Saints' Day.
City Council meeting
At its second October meeting, the Rensselaer City Council passed a salary ordinance that increases pay by 2%, increases longevity pay, and increases contributions to the HSAs. It also sets on-call terms to one week with a stipend for the week. There were about ten City employees at the meeting and I think they came to see what the salary ordinance would do. The Council suspended the rules that require two readings so the ordinance could be passed with only one.
The second item on the agenda was an amendment to the golf cart ordinance. UTVs that are registered will be grandfathered in but no new UTVs will be registered. The maximum fine was reduced from $300 to $250 because the violations bureau cannot collect fines larger than $250. Again, the rules were suspended so this ordinance would be passed with one reading.
Two items from the Plan Commission were next. The Saint Joe property had no zoning. Now it will be zoned B2, a business zoning. College Woods will be zoned RS, residential suburban. The second item was to allow non-conforming uses to continue when ownership changes and to allow rebuilding if the building is damaged or destroyed. Both passed, with Mr. Watson abstained on the first item.
An ordinance to close the Scott Street rail crossing was next. One reason given was safety. The crossing has no lights. There was a motion to suspend the rules to allow the motion to pass at this meeting, but Mr Armold voted "no" and a motion to suspend the rules must have unanimous consent. The matter will be on the agenda of the next meeting.
The Rensselaer Redevelopment Commission wants to make changes in the TIF areas, creating a new residential TIF and expanding the area in which TIF funds can be spent. Included in the proposed resolution is a list of properties that the Redevelopment Commission may want to acquire in the future. Redevelopment Commissions no longer can use eminent domain to acquire properties, but they still must list them before they start trying to purchase them. The resolution was approved and now goes back to the Redevelopment Commission, which will meet on November 14.
The Council approved some transfers of funds for the Cemetery and Parks. It also approved changes to the entryway of City Hall. It will add power door openers and heating. No dollar figure was given for these changes.
Supply bids for gas and diesel were opened. There were two bids and they were taken under advisement. The Council approved Grimmer pay request #8 for $377,582.42, The Brick Street Project is now 97% complete. A few punch-list items are being completed.
The Council moved the Nov 11 meeting to Nov 12 because of Veterans' Day. The City is seeking applications for a new Gas Department superintendent. (Carol Lockridge is retiring in early January.) The Council will try to stream its next meeting. Two new squad cars are now in service. The first class using the new fire tower is set and it has full enrollment. Gutters are now on the Gas Department building.
Odds and ends
On Tuesday a final asphalt layer was added to what will be new pickleball courts in Brookside Park.
We continue under a no-burn ban. I tried to dig up some plants in my garden but gave up because the ground is too hard.