Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Old toys

The Jasper County Historical Society puts decorative displays in a window of its building that looks out to Clark Street. Many people drive by this window, since it is only a few feet from State Highway 114, but not too many people walk by. If you do check out the display.
Currently on display are old toys. I did not see any that I remember playing with, but youth was so long ago that I do not remember much from it. (I think there were a few things in there that might have been available when my parents were kids.)
I think I see Elmo from Sesame Street. That is a toy from the youth of my kids.

(According to the Rensselaer Republican, tonight, Dec 16, "Jasper County Historical Society presents a holiday open house at the museum building, 479 N. Van Rensselaer St from 7-8 p.m. Enjoy refreshments and holiday dulcimer music by Jackie Corning, Danita Prohosky and friends. Stop in for a visit and learn about renovations for the museum.")


  1. You are an early riser. It is fun to see the toys I had and those of parents and children. Maybe other people in the community have ideas for this window.

  2. Don't be fooled by the posting times. Blogger (the group that runs all the blogspot.com blogs) lets you schedule publication. I can get a post ready and then schedule it to appear in a day or a week or even next year. I try to let most things sit a little bit so I can get rid of most of they typos. (I miss a lot, but if I did not allow some time to re-read and re-write, there would be more typos.)

  3. Elmo is still a favorite toy today--your grandson has become a fan.


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