Sunday, December 14, 2008


To get a full appreciation of most Christmas decorations, you need to see them at night. Unfortunately, they often are a lot harder to photograph at night, and I also tend not to be wandering around the city at night (whereas I do a lot of meandering around during the day). To show the contrast, compare the day and night views of this house on Grove Street.
This picture of a sleigh and deer head that is on the porch at Susan and Cullen may not look like a night picture because the porch is lighted.
On Abagail Santa is getting some help either getting out of the chimney or getting into it. This lighted and inflated piece moves.
On the other side of the same house is a big snow globe with glowing snowmen.
Several blocks south on Abagail there are more glowing snowmen. Artificial snowmen are all over town--even after the most ideal snowfall, there are never as many real snowmen around.
Some house are all about lights, thousands and thousands of lights. They are very pretty, but I have had a hard time getting good pictures of them.
I think this was at the west end of Oak Street. What you see here is only about half of the total scene.
This year Milroy Park has ice skaters gracing its middle. In the background a sizable spruce tree has lights, and there is a little house that in the past housed Santa on the Court House square. According to its website, Mainstreet raised the money for these decorations at Oktoberfest.
The Court House is decorated simply but elegantly, with four strings of lights going to the top of the tower. I think Mainstreet is also responsible for restoring these decorations which had partially disintegrated over the past few years. In the week after Thanksgiving I thought that the amount of outdoor decoration was lower this year than in the past. But many more decorations have appeared since then. A lot of people put a lot of effort into these outdoor displays, and I am happy to share the results of just a few of them here.

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