Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Martin Luther King Day march

Monday was Martin Luther King Day, a federal holiday, and this year, as in recent years, Saint Joseph's College sponsored a series of events that started with a march from the Court House to campus. Below you see some students getting on one of the three buses that transported people from the campus to the downtown.
And they are off, marching down the street. It was not especially cold, but there were flurries during the day, the result of lake effect snow off Lake Michigan. So let us see what the marchers are wearing.
The small kids were bundled up well. Some of the adults forgot their hats. I never thought of high heels as appropriate marching gear, but there was a bus trailing the group. I wonder how many of them ended up in the bus.
When they reached campus, there was program of music, awards, and short speeches surrounding a keynote speech by Jabari Asim, editor in chief or the Crisis Magazine, which is published by the NAACP. He also has written a book, What Obama Means: ...for Our Culture, Our Politics, Our Future, that was scheduled for publication on Tuesday. The pictures I took of him did not turn out well, but I did get an acceptable picture of the choir.

1 comment:

  1. I'm pleased to inform you that all the high-heeled marchers completed the entire walk. On pavement. On flat terrain. Really it wasn't that difficult. You should join us next year--I'll loan you a pair or stilletos...


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