Saturday, January 24, 2009

Only a week left

I stopped by the art exhibit in the old Carnegie Library Building to see what insufficiently surreal meant. I still do not know.
These are rather cute. Are they supposed to be cute? Would that mean it was insufficiently surreal?
The picture below looks a lot like the stuffed things above. It is titled, "I Like That No One Knows What We're Doing Or What We Are."
I would like to comment on the pictures below, but I do not know what to say. Maybe I should just say, "A picture is worth a thousand words" and leave it at that.
If you want to see the exhibit, you have a week to do so. Hours are 10 to 2, most days of the week. Also, there is another art exhibit in town, the grade school art exhibit in the lobby of the Core Building at Saint Joseph's College. There will be an opening reception there Sunday, January 25. (I do not know the time.)


  1. Tomorrow (Sunday) at 1:30 is the art exhibit..awards at 2:00.

  2. Thank you for showing off this fun art show. More people should see it. These young artists have a unique view of the world or parts of it.


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