Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Well see here

For several months there has been activity in a field north of Wood Road. Yesterday I saw two workers there so I asked whether they were working on a new city water well. The gentleman's response was, "I think so."
A call to the city water department was more helpful. The city has purchased two acres of land and drilled a well to 340 feet that produces water. I wondered why the city needed a new well since it had added a well to the system last summer and it had two old wells, on Bunkum Road and next to Iroquois Park. Because one of the old wells has a problem with bacteria and the other has chemical contamination, neither is currently in use. Hence, the city is now drawing all its water from the well on Matheson.
If we have construction this summer running a water main down Matheson to connect to the water main coming from the well there, you will read about it and see it here.

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