Thursday, February 26, 2009

Bicentennial Park

One of Rensselaer's lesser known parks is Bicentennial Park, which lies south of the Iroquois River and north of West Washington.

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Bicentennial Park has very little in it. There is a canoe ramp, which, however, is not in good shape. Efforts to repair it have been hampered by the fact that the park sits on an old garbage dump.
What is the point of a canoe ramp? If you launch a canoe from Laird's Landing east of Rensselaer, this would be a good place to take it out of the river, except that for quite a while there has been a tree across the river, making any canoe trip from ramp to ramp rather iffy.
Sometime in the future a footbridge will link Bicentennial Park with Weston Cemetery. The bridge should increase the traffic in and use of the park, especially by those who walk for exercise. Right now there is nothing there but an empty field. The park has potential. It will be interesting to see if it is developed in the future.

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