Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Still more elevator pictures

As I have been spending some time with this blog, I have come to realize that I enjoy taking pictures more than I enjoy writing. I find interesting things to photograph in many places, but I have also discovered that I especially enjoy taking pictures of machines. (I guess that makes me a capitalist.) Almost every time I walk by the grain elevators, I am tempted to snap a pictures. In December I gave into the temptation when there was a truck filling with grain. The truck is a big machine, but the elevator is an even bigger one. There was also a contrast of horizontals and verticals, and the red of the truck provides an interesting highlight to the otherwise grays and whites of the elevator, sky, and snow.
Here is a close up of the corn pouring into the truck.
Then I noticed the name of the elevator up on a metal bin, and had to take that as well.

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