(I thought it would be interesting to use Sundays to focus on Rensselaer's churches and to see how many Sundays I can go before I run out of material. Indiana is richly endowed with religious denominations, with influences from North and South, East and West. This is part of that series of posts.)
The Iroquois Valley Christian Church is located west of Rensselaer at 2335 Bunkum Rd. According to the "Church Services Directory" in the
Rensselaer Republican, the senior minister is Scott Chastain. It has Sunday school at 9:00 a.m. and blended worship at 10:00 a.m.

I could not find a web site for this church, nor could I find any organization or fellowship of churches to which it belongs. Like a fair number of Rensselaer churches, it appears to be an independent or non denominational church. I found it linked to
this camp and other than a lot of directories, not much more.
This is a very nice church with a loving congragation. But something wierd is going on. The preacher does it all. He is head elder, tresurer, senior board member, song leader. They have one elder, I think? Very young compared to others there. Few children and a couple collage kids. People who come to visit don't stay long. Many others have left and are still leaving. 75% of the tithe is paid to the preacher. Rest to building needs according to their expense sheet published. Jesus is preached but activities are void. No missions. Apperently mission money was transfered to church account. The preacher claims his love for everyone but he is very distant and evasive. Like i said,wierd. We are thinking of leaving also. Jesus isn't moving here.
We went to this church for awhile. Like all churches it has its horror stories I suppose. You won't find a better group of people anywhere. Personally, our family did not care for how the leadership did things or how they treated the congragation. More than anything they just need prayer. We left after some poor exchange of words with the leadership. No hard feelings but nothing got worked out and it isn't going to. None of our family was raised in a church setting and gave our lives to the Lord where we stood on the day He found us. We really don't understand church rituals that claim to be biblical but you got to turn your Bible side ways to see it. Or that the people in the church should mind their own business and do what they are told without question. I don't think most church go'ers would have a problem with this kind of thinking from what we have seen. It just isn't for us. Don't want anyone standing between Jesus and ourselves. We also home school because we want our children to learn things we want them to learn and to be rounded in life. So we made that same choice when we found out about church. And we are grateful somebody in the leadership finally told us where we stand. It is doubtful we will ever attend another building church. We have a large family and we get together and share Jesus stories. All the kids love it both older and younger. No one Lording it over another. And they leave fired up and ready for what the Lord has in store to share again. That's church! At least that's what we call church. But to those of you who was raised in a building and know all the in's and out's of the rituals, we don't think you would have any problems with this church . Just don't drink the kool-aid. Smiles! Men will be men. But Jesus Loves you! Don't ever give up on Him. He won't on you.
It's a shame no one from the church is savvy enough to discover and/or comment on these remarks. I stumbled on this commentary when I found a open ministry listing for the senior pastor position at this church. Apparently they are looking for someone to fill that spot. Based on what I have read here, it certainly won't be me :) This church is affiliated with the independent Christian churches/churches of Christ AKA the Restoration Movement. I hope they find someone who can pull them out of what is obviously a miry clay situation :(
IVCC went through a difficult period of time. Leadership was breaking down and satan was working overtime in many situations. Hopefully that has turned around and the church will grow and be one of the leading churches in Rensselaer. The minister, Scott Chastain, has moved to a church in southern Indiana, and we are looking for a new minister. Jesus is the head of this church and with God's will and with new leadership it will be restored.
IVCC is a mission caring church and supports several missions. Come join us!
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