Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Street closings

The rain today has pushed the river higher, and it is now at 14 feet at the gauging station. Water was starting to creep over College Avenue at about 4:00.
There was standing water at the intersection of College, Jackson, and Front, where in times long past a swale used to be, and it still reveals itself when we have big rains.
Right after I took the picture above, a city truck arrived and two workers put out a road closed sign for College.
Turning onto Lincoln, the intersection of Lincoln and Elza was underwater. There was some water flowing across Lincoln, but it was still passable.
Parts of the roads in the cemetery were completely submerged.
And a few minutes after I took the above picture, three city trucks arrived to put up signs closing Lincoln.
There is more rain in the forecast. We will see how high water goes this time. The river flow is just a tad under 2000 cubic feet per second. In really bad floods it has been over 2500 cfs.

1 comment:

  1. Did it peak at 16' or higher, do you know?


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