Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Earth Day and the Cystic Fibrosis 5K

On Saturday morning I stopped by Brookside Park to see how many people were running in the 5K run that was supporting research on cystic fibrosis. It was a rather small group of runners, but there was a very large crowd.

They ran the same route that the Santa Shuffle runs in December. I noticed that the one mile mark was different this year. In the past it was almost certainly short. I wonder if they used a site like the USATF site to find the mile marks. By the end of the race the runners were very strung out. Some of the young runners do not seem to have run much and found that 5K is hard to do without some training.
I do not know if they will post any results. The hospital race is one of the few local races that does.

However, most people were not in the park for the race but for an Earth Day celebration. You could get a free red-oak sapling to plant in your yard from the Master Gardeners.
On the other side of the shelter the Lion's Club was selling hot dogs and refreshments.
South of the shelter The Nature Conservancy was giving away wild petunias. (Wild Petunia--sounds like a hippy from the 1960s. I wonder if Desert Survivor has them where she lives and if they will ever appear on A Plant A Day.)
Also in the back was the city recycling truck with bales of plastic bottles. Did you recycle any of them?
It was the north side of the shelter that attracted the kids. There were a variety of games, and this blow-up structure in which kids could bounce.

1 comment:

  1. stories like this really make me wonder how different my life would be if my parents never divorced.


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