Monday, April 6, 2009

Egg Hunt in Brookside Park

On Saturday the Lions Club and the Rensselaer Republican sponsored an egg hunt. If you did not make it, here is some video showing what you missed. The egg hunt for the second group, the three-to-five year olds, was the most amusing. Some of the kids started before they were supposed to, and despite the best efforts of the guys in charge, they could not stop the onflow of kids. (You can see one of them running around with his hands up in the air telling the kids to stop. I am glad I was not out there.)

I am not sure what the age cutoffs for the last two groups were. The ad in the paper said 4-7 and 8-11, but that would mean the five-year-olds got to run twice. I know of one little boy who had to compete with older kids. He obeyed the organizers and did not go with his group, the second group, because the men kept telling the kids to stop. He did manage to grab a few eggs competing in the third group. Both of the last two groups "hunted" on the soccer field, which is the reason that there are two groups of kids racing across the soccer field.

As for the soundtrack, last weekend (the last weekend in March) I went to the spring band concert at Saint Joseph's and took some video of a couple pieces. The video part was awful (just backs of heads), but I liked the audio. So I stripped out the audio from that and used it as the soundtrack for the egg hunt video. I thought it worked; I hope you like it.

Brookside Park was very busy on Saturday. Lots of kids stuck around to play, and a bit later in the day there was a soccer game on the soccer field. Spring is here--the park even unlocked the restrooms.

I was surprised to see an ambulance there. I guess it was a precaution. No kids were injured in the making of this video.

There was one thing missing from the Easter egg hunt in the park, and I found that thing on Sunday before another egg hunt that was not open to the general public. Maybe next year Harvey can visit the other Easter egg hunt.

1 comment:

  1. I did not realize so many children participated.


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