Thursday, April 23, 2009

Kirby Risk construction update

Construction has been going quickly on the new Kirby Risk building just west of Rensselaer. I was out of town for a week at the beginning of March, and while I was gone, the workers poured the foundation and floor. (Click on the pictures for bigger versions.)
I was in town when they put up the steel, but I missed that as well. They must have been pretty quick. After the steel was erected, they enclosed the building. The three lifts that were parked in front of the steel skeleton reminded me of dinosaurs.Most of the building was covered in sheet metal, but a small part of the front will sport concrete blocks.
The workers started on the east side with the metal sheeting and then continued on the back or north side.
They probably wondered why a strange guy was taking pictures just about every day. Below they have finished the west side and have arrived at the front of the building.
After the walls were finished, it was time to work on the roof. For that they used scaffolding in addition to the lifts.
It appears that some daylight is still visible looking through the building, so the roof is not yet finished in the picture below.
In this picture they are applying finishing touches.
And finally, the outer shell has been completed. Now that construction is concentrated on the inside, there is not as much to see, so I will find some other place to visit on my morning jog.
There have been interesting things happening at the grain elevator, with an even bigger machine than the ones in these pictures. The workers there may also have been wondering why a strange guy kept taking pictures. I will tell you about that tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. These are good pictures of something I would rather not see in this place at the west entrance to Rensselaer.


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