Wednesday, April 1, 2009

A tax rant

i have been working on my taxes lately. Have you noticed that Jasper County has the second-highest county income tax rate in Indiana? We have to pay 3.05% of our income to the county! Only Pulaski county has a higher rate at 3.13%. In comparison, Porter county pays only .5%, Newton 1%, Tippecanoe 1.1%, Carroll 1.1125%, White 1.32%, and Benton 2.29%. Why? We certainly do not get better services than Benton or Tippecanoe. The only legitimate reason I can think of is that Jasper has decided to base its revenues on income rather than property. That would mean we give a large property owners do better in Jasper County than in other counties, and I would not be happy about that.

There are two questions I would like to have answered. The first is why we have the second highest income-tax rate in the state. The second is who do I vote against in the next election to show my dissatisfaction with these tax rates.

Update: While we are on the topic of politics, I see our congressman, Pete Visclosky, is getting some press.

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