Thursday, April 9, 2009

Thoughts of gardens

This week's weather was a bit strange. We had a lot of rain and some snow early in the week. Most people just wanted the snow to stop.
The snow may not have been appreciated by those who are ready to leave winter behind, but it was pretty. (Click on the picture below for a larger version.)
The rain that proceeded the snow resulted in a rise in the river and flooded the field east of Weston Cemetery. The reflection of the grave markers in the water was also pretty.

More spring flowers are blooming. Not all of them are dandelions. The magnolia trees are starting to flower, but some of the flowers show signs of some frost damage. The one below was only slightly affected.

This one had a lot more damage.I have begun my tomato plants indoors. There are more weeds coming up than tomatoes. That is the present and future of my garden--lots of weeds.

One of the things that some people plant on Good Friday is potatoes, though the idea that Good Friday is a good day to plant potatoes is something of an old wives tale. However, the mention of potatoes gives me and excuse to include one of my favorite youtube videos. I do not know who created it, but it I love the tune, the animation, and the lyrics.

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