Sunday, May 24, 2009

The 14 stations of the flags

Instead of going to church this Sunday's post, let us go to Weston cemetery, which is decorated for Memorial Day. For the past few days there have been many people placing flowers on the graves of loved ones, making it very colorful.
In addition, there are hundred of American flags throughout the cemetery, some with signs. There are fourteen of these signs or stations for you to read and contemplate as you make your way through the cemetery. At the eastern entrance are stations 1 and 2.

1) 13 Flags representing 13 original colonies

2) 19 flags representing Indiana as the 19th state

Following the road and taking the right fork, we get more stations.

3) Six rows of flags--six flags in the first row; two flags in the second row', three flags in the third row, zero flags in the fourth row, two flags in the fifth row, six flags in the last row indicating the number of veterans killed in the civil War 623026

4) Three rows of flags--seven flags in the first row, zero flags in the second row, four flags in the third row representing the number 704, the number of known veterans buried in the Weston Cemetery.

5) One (1) flag representing the missing in action (M.I.A'S)
Crossing the bridge and going south we find two more.

6) South side of Freedom Tree: Four (4) rows of flags in sequence of 4-2-9-6 representing the number of known military deaths in Iraq (4,296)
7) North side of Freedom Tree: Three (3) rows of flags in sequence of 6-8-6 representing the number of known military deaths in Afghanistan

8) Six rows of flags representing the number 116,708 the number of veterans killed in World War I

9) Six rows of flags representing the number 407,316 the number of veterans killed in World War II

10) Five rows of flags representing the number 36,914 the number of veterans killed in the Korean War

11) Five rows of flags representing the number 58,169 the number of veterans killed in the Vietnam war
12) Fifty (50) flags representing the 50 states.

13) Sequence of three (3) flags in a rows representing the number 1-5-4 the number of veterans killed in Iraq/Afghanistan from Indiana

14) Fifty (50) crosses with 50 flags in honor of a grateful nation and its time honored heros.
Our civic religion and our denominational religions are intertwined on Memorial Day. You can witness it on Monday at 11:00 a.m. when there will be a memorial service in Weston Cemetery.


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