Thursday, May 14, 2009

The Expo

On Wednesday I stopped by the 2009 Career and Business Expo in the National Guard Armory to see what what happening. It was not very busy. Maybe the rain kept people away. On this side of the room there was a booth for Purdue University trying to get people into school. I did sign up for a drawing to win free golf games at the George Ade course even though I do not golf.
You can see McDonald's in the back. Close to them was a table for the National Guard. In the front was a Mexican restaurant from Kentland. (Quite a few of the tables were for organizations in the surrounding counties.) There were also some people who wanted to help me find a job who are out of the picture to the left. If I had not looked so much like a derelict they maybe would not have offered.
I picked up factbooks for Newton and Benton Counties. Did you know that the largest town in Newton County is Roselawn. It had 3789 people in 2007. Second was Kentland with 1679, then Morocco with 1122, Goodland with 1005, Brook with 982, Lake Village with 823, and finally tiny Mt. Ayer with 131.

As for Benton County, in 2006 Fowler had 2272, Oxford 1206, Otterbein 907, Boswell 782, Earl Park 458, and Ambia 186.

I wonder what the numbers are Jasper County.

I picked up a brochure for the Jennie E. Caldwell Memorial Home, a place I had previously never heard of. It is outside "the quaint town of Earl Park." It appears to be assisted living for older women. To get in, a woman has to be single, 70 or older, in good health for her age, mobile and able to care for herself, and have a good outlook on life.

I should have asked why there were there, but did not. Their website is at

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