Thursday, June 4, 2009

And through the woods

I went over the river and through the woods the other day and found this bucolic scene. There were some well-maintained brick buildings visible over a meadow of tall grass--some little houses on the prairie.When I got closer and peeked through the fence, I saw blue spruce trees on a neatly mowed lawn that looked very inviting.

However, the signs the gate did not seem very welcoming. No entry! In addition, the chain-link fence was topped with barbed wire.
What kind of treasure do they keep locked up here? It looks like they have a big swimming pool in the back yard.


  1. I don't recognize the brick house but that looks like the sewage treatment plant. There are some trails that go behind there where I guess they used to have pools of water; I used to run back there on occasion.

  2. I have the same guess as Flatbow. He beat me to it. He must not have enough to do :)

  3. You are both right. The police have some training facilities behind the treatment plant, and sometimes they do target practice (you can hear them), so they do not really like people back there. You probably would not be welcomed if you were running back there when they were there.


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