Monday, June 8, 2009


I have posted a lot about the construction of the new Kirby Risk building on the east entrance to Rensselaer, so when I heard in the distance a lot of noise there during the first week of June, I had to check it out. I caught them paving the entrance and the pull-off shoulder. What I thought was interesting was that the truck with the asphalt had a flexible top that was rolled up before the load of asphalt was dumped. Is that to prevent broken windshields of other vehicles?
It took several dump truck loads of asphalt to bring the shoulder up to the level of the road.

A few days later they paved the main lot. I thought I had missed the machines because when I went out to look in the evening, the parking lot was paved.
However, the next day they came back to put on a final layer. There were at least half a dozen guys working the rollers, the truck, and the paving machine.
And here is a better shot of the paving machine. Maybe soon they will be able to remove all the orange barrels and cones.

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