Wednesday, July 22, 2009

A final post on the Jasper County Fair

The Jasper County Fair has come and gone, but I still have some pictures I want to post.

I discovered that I knew the owner of the sweet corn booth that I had described as crudely made. This was Randy Lehman's third year running the booth. He has been working elsewhere this summer, but finds that the booth makes enough money to run it for a week.
I just liked this picture from the equestrian area, taken early in fair week.
I also liked the half-sheared sheep. I knew the person doing the shearing, so I stopped and asked about the market for wool. There is a wool buyer in the area, but unless you do your own shearing, it is probably not worthwhile for most people to sell wool. She said that the wool from this sheep was low quality, probably worth only a nickel a pound. I guess that means the meat is high quality--I know that there is a market for mutton.
On the first or second day of the fair there was a blood mobile for those who wanted to donate blood. It was not from the same organization that conducts most of the blood drives in Rensselaer.
Here is a picture from the grandstands looking north. You can see a pull in progress (I think it was lawnmowers or lawn tractors) and the north campground.
The fair ended Friday night, and by early Saturday morning parts already were deserted. Most of the vendors or exhibitors in the commercial building had packed up on Friday evening.
The people running the carnival must also have packed up the rides on Friday night, because by 8:00 the next morning only a few rides were still waiting to be hauled away, and they were gone by 9:00.
These little piggies went home.

Most of the tractors on display in the Retired Iron building were still there, but some were getting ready to leave. The tractor to the left looks like the Cockshutt tractor mentioned in an earlier post.
The fork lift shown below was being used to pull the long metal stakes that had anchored down the big tents used for food and commercial exhibits. I do not think a person would have been able to pull them out without some kind of help.
Some of the garbage had been picked up, and some was still waiting for pickup. The fair does generate a lot of garbage.
I took some of the video clips I shot and put them together to give a sampling of what I saw at the Jasper County Fair. If you did not get there, here is some of what you missed.

While at youtube, I found some other video: from 2007, cloggers; from 2008, three clips of the battle of the barns; and from 2009, a truck pull.


  1. You are a busy fellow. Thank you for that.

  2. Sure makes me want to come and visit during fair week!

  3. I find it very odd that the fair ends on a Friday night. That defies logic.


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