Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Historic buildings at the fair grounds I

The Jasper County Historical Society has preserved four old buildings at the county fairgrounds. The least interesting of the four from a historical perspective is the blacksmith shop because the building was not originally used for that purpose.

The plaque in front of the blacksmith shop reads:
Blacksmith Shop
Building donated by Rensselaer Trinity United Methodist Church and moved to this location in 2003 by the Historical Society & Retired Iron Club of Jasper County. Converted to a blacksmith shop & dedicated to all the oldtime blacksmiths and welders of this area in particular to Jerry Knip, Virgie area blacksmith, whose idea inspired this shop & to all others who donated blacksmith tools, money or labor for this project.

During Jasper-County-Fair week this building has demonstrations of blacksmithing.

Next to the blacksmith shop is a tiny building that was once the post office in Paar.
Its plaque reads:
Parr Post Office
Owned by Mrs. Vera Randolph, Parr postmistress from 1938 to 1968, when the post office closed. Donated to the Jasper County Historical Society in 1969 by Dale Brunton and moved to the Fair Grounds.

If you go to the fair in next week, stop by the historical area located near the entrance and see what is happening.

1 comment:

  1. Vera is my great grandmother do you have any more pictures of the post office?


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