Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Historic buildings at the fair grounds II

A previous post looked at two of the historic buildings at the fairgrounds. There are two others, the old Rose Bud School and a log cabin.Rose Bud School
Located ca 1877 in Union township at the northwest corner of county roads 700W and 100N, on land owned by the Alter family. Donated to the Jasper County Historical Society by Hally Alter. Moved to the Fair Grounds October 1977.

During fair week you can go inside the building and see what it looks like. After serving as a school, it was remodeled and was used as a residence for many years. It has been restored to its school house look, complete with a pot-bellied stove and a schoolmarm. (But where are the inkwells?)I could not resist the picture of the old log cabin with the billboard in the background.
The plaque in front reads:
Quick/Walters/Hall Log House
Built ca. 1870 in Barkley Township by Mark Quick. In 1901, Thomas Walters bought the farm. The cabin had four additional rooms which were later separated and the cabin was used as a lambing shed.
In 1929, Paul J. Hall, Sr., bought the farm. The cabin was moved into a large cattle barn to be used for feed storage. The Hall family donated the cabin to the Jasper county Historical Society in 1967. The logs were numbered, taken to the Fair Grounds and reassembled. The stone fireplace and concrete floor were added.
This building is also open during fair week. Below is the north end of the cabin.
And below is the south end.Pay it a visit when you go to the fair.


  1. Thank you for this good coverage. There were many visitors to those buildings on Sunday, Tuesday, and Thursday afternoons.

  2. My great, great grandfather is the Thomas Walters mentioned in this article. I was surfing the internet looking for family information, when I stumbled upon your blog. I am enjoying learning about county and city many of my ancestors knew so well. Thank you for the good work!


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