Friday, August 21, 2009

Late summer in the country

In late July I was north west of Rensselaer and saw some day lilies and morning glories growing along the edge of a corn field. I wonder how the day lilies got there--they are not native. The morning glories are weeds. I cannot eradicate them from my back yard. But they did look very pretty with the day lilies.On that day there were storms to the north, so the sky was dark but the field were bright. There were soybeans and corn to the east of the road, and harvested wheat (I think) the the west. We do not have much other than corn and soybeans grown locally--nothing else is as profitable.

Have you ever noticed that if you want to go north from Rensselaer, the highway is the only paved option that exists. All the country-road routes make you travel on unpaved roads.
Along the road there are often some cows. They do not seem to mind me passing by--they give a curious look and keep doing what they were doing, which is usually either eating or resting.
In late summer there are a number of yellow daisy-like flowers that bloom along the roads. I should know what they are, but I do not. Still, almost every year I take a few pictures of them.
Sometimes we just need to slow down and enjoy the little things in life.

Update: I think the last picture is of prairie dock. The large leaves at the base more than the flowers are the identifier.

1 comment:

  1. While running the country route, we usually have a water stop at the top of the hill, and, often, those cows are nearby. I often wonder what they are thinking when they see us.


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