Saturday, August 1, 2009

Odds and ends from the end of July

Lately there have been enough interesting things happening around town to keep bumping some of my pictures from this blog. For example, last Sunday I stumbled on a large auction on Scott Street. Rensselaer does not have a lot of auctions at residences anymore. Most of the time the stuff is moved to the armory or the fairgrounds or Ron's Auction House. But here was a good, old-fashioned auction. My recollection tells me that when I first came to town, Woodworth or Culp had auctions most weekends in the summer (though rarely if ever on Sunday). It appeared that a lot of people were enjoying themselves with an auction adventure, but I had other things to do so did not stick around.
There were a couple of band camps at SJC this week. Because the start of school is rapidly approaching and because some of the SJC athletes return early, the number of band camps this year will be lower than what SJC has hosted in the past. I saw the Richmond High School band, shown below. several times, but never in a nice formation from a picture point of view.
The other band was the Scottsburg High School Band. I never did see their whole band, just the percussion, which sounded good.
Rensselaer's band was also having its band camp at the high school, and my travels did not take me out there when they were practicing.

Traffic was tied up on Friday by the College Mall as the state was putting a new surface on the block of highway between the stop lights.
Just a bit to the south, construction on an addition to a house has been ongoing for months, and the shape is unusual. Have you been wondering what this will look like when it is finished?

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