Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Big weekend coming at SJC

Yesterday (Tuesday) the lawn crew at SJC installed a new sign in front of the main classroom building. On Friday there will be a dedication ceremony honoring Dr.Evans, who is CEO of AIT Laboratories in Indianapolis.
I wonder if this is the first of a new series of signs. It is completely different from the existing signage on campus.

The dedication is the first event of homecoming weekend, which is a big deal at SJC. The tents and the fencing for the beer garden, a favorite area for returning alumni are up and ready to go.
Last year I did not write anything about homecoming, but I was just getting started with blogging. This year I will try to do something. Maybe I will even cover the 5K. The course this year looks like it will be an actual 5k.

The football players tell me that they think they should win the game. We will see.

Update: Friday, Sept 25

I could not attend the dedication ceremony, but did take a couple of pictures before it started. I presume the ribbon is there for the ceremonial cutting of the ribbon.
It looks like there was a respectable crowd there. The three women posing in front of the sign are alumnae who work for AIT Laboratories. Dr Evans is, I believe, on the sidewalk facing away from the sign.
I will try to link to the press release when it comes out.

Update 2: I was wrong about my identification. See the comments. And the press release is here.

1 comment:

  1. At the time of this picture, Dr. Evans had not yet arrived. The man you pointed out is one of AIT's VPs. Thanks for the coverage of this event.


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