Thursday, September 3, 2009

Double rainbow

I saw this fantastic photograph on the Facebook page of one of my (few) Facebook friends. I asked if I could post it here and she said that I could.
It was taken at Benton Central High School using a cellphone (iPhone?) camera. Jenn said that if she had had her digital camera, she would have gotten a better picture, maybe one with the complete arc. She had her five-year-old son with her, and he wanted her to go find the end of the rainbow because it looked like it was very close. She probably did not convince him that trying to find the end of the rainbow is not possible. Most of us have to chase a few rainbows before we learn that we cannot catch them. Life experience is the most convincing teacher of all.

(Maybe for some of the farmers in Benton County the pot of gold really is at the end of this rainbow.)

Speaking of Facebook, I am now spending minutes a week on it. It used to be that I was spending minutes a semester on it.

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