Monday, September 14, 2009

More Melville Mess

This morning I saw a lot of workmen on Melville north of the railroad tracks. I asked one if they were going to rip up the street, and he replied, "Yes." I then asked if it was part of the Melville storm sewer project, and he told me he was only there to rip up the street. I found some other workers who told me that it was part of the storm sewer project.

If you drive on Melville north of the tracks, be prepared to find another route.

Update: Below is the picture from about 9:30 this morning with the first strip of asphalt dug up. By 4:00 the entire street had had the asphalt removed from north of the Eger substation to a bit south of Maple Street. You can see the Maple/Melville street signs at the intersection. You can also see one of the large concrete storm sewer things on the left of the road and down a couple blocks.

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