Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Shopping at Bags, Bangles & Baskets.

One of Rensselaer's newest businesses is Bags, Bangles & Baskets, which opened in July on Washington Street across from the Court House. I stopped in during the Little Cousin Jasper Festival to see what they had.
The store is long and narrow--an alley stopper. In fact, there once was an alley where this store is now. It has been a number of things since, including many years ago a restaurant or two. It may actually have been a restaurant when I came to Rensselaer. Does Mary's Cafe or Mary's Restaurant ring any bells?
The store carries a variety of products. I asked who their competition was, and they did not think they had competition in the sense that no one else carried exactly the same products as they do.
Everything is very tastefully arranged. The shop reminded me of the floral shops and the jewelry store a bit because all of them are in the gift market. It is the kind of place that makes women comfortable and men a little uncomfortable.
I am not sure why the old peace sign of the 60s and 70s is undergoing a revival. Clearly for most people it does not have the connotations that I associate with it from my years at the University of Wisconsin in Madison.
If you like gift stores or need a bag, basket, or bangle, stop in and see what they have.


  1. I've been in this shop several times, very affordable!!!

  2. Thanks for letting the community know about the new store.


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