Friday, October 2, 2009

Moving around downtown

Downtown keeps changing--the Artisan Gallery used to be in the building next to Steffen's Jewelry, but in the past few days it has disappeared, along with the Greater Rensselaer Chamber of Commerce.
I bumped into one of my Mainstreet friends (the group that is sponsoring Oktoberfest this Saturday) and asked her what was going on. She said that Ryan Musch, who had run the gallery, was going to be working out of his home, that the Chamber would be in the Tucker Realty Office, and that there would soon be a new business in the store. She tried to explain what that business was, but I did not understand well enough what she was trying to explain to pass on that information.

I also e-mailed Tracy, one of the people who works for the Chamber, and in our exchange of messages I learned that the Chamber has a Facebook page. If you are on Facebook, you can become a fan and keep up. Search for "Greater Rensselaer Chamber of Commerce. " (Mainstreet also has a Facebook page--search for "Visit Rensselaer Indiana" and you can become a fan of them as well. And I think you can follow Rensselaer Adventures via Facebook at I am not sure of how that will work for you. Hey, I spend minutes, not hours, every month on Facebook.)

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