Thursday, October 15, 2009

Mustang roundup

I saw the notices of a Mustang Roundup for October 11, and even considered putting it on the bulletin board to the right, but had no plans to go to it. However, on Sunday I passed by on my way to another destination, and stopped to see what was happening. (I am finding that writing this blog is taking me to a lot of destinations that I would otherwise not have visited.) There were about twenty Mustangs parked in Rico's parking lot, many with their hoods up.
Dick Wiseman was tending the "gate"--he was answering questions and giving out flyers with ads and coupons. The flier said that the proceeds were going to the Good Samaritan Food Pantry, but I do not know what the source of revenue was. There was no entry fee for viewers. I think they were selling raffle tickets and the fliers may have been a source of funds.

Car fans (the people, not the things that circulate air) love looking at engines, and this one is impressive. (I know that it impressive because Dick Wiseman told me it was--I do not know much about cars.)
The most popular car was the police car. It is a Mustang.
I am not knowledgeable enough about cars to really appreciate car shows, but I do respect and admire the initiative of those who organize them and the many other events that take place in Rensselaer and other small towns across America. A certain group of people with whom I interact likes to complain about there being nothing to do, but they never act to change that situation. The Mustang Round-up illustrates what you do when you think your life needs a little something extra.

(On another blog I read, Mustang round-up has a very different meaning.)

1 comment:

  1. I received this e-mail, which for some reason yahoo decided belonged in my spam folder, so I did not see if for several weeks.

    Thank you for adding the Mustang Round-up to your blog. Dene Mattocks, Alan Valade, and myself were the guys that came up with the idea. I drafted my brother Dick to help. We all have Mustangs and enjoy seeing other Mustangs and visiting with other owners. We made $110 for the Food Pantry buy selling raffle tickets for prizes that were donated by local business's. We had 26 mustangs show up on a cold and not so great day, as I'm sure you know. For a first time, we felt like this was a success and we plan to do it again next year during a warmer month. Thanks again for adding us to your blog. If anyone has any questions about the Mustang Round-up or would like to be involved in the next one that we have, here are ways to contact me.
    219-866-5580 (Home) 219-866-4669 (Office) 219-819-0070 (Cell) prodata at


    Russ Wiseman


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