Sunday, December 6, 2009

Living Nativity

On Friday and Saturday (Dec 4 & 5) evenings, some people braved the cold to take part a live nativity at the Trinity United Methodist Church.

The nativity story was presented as six stations on the lawn southeast of the church. The first stage was the annunciation, the angel telling Mary that she would give birth. The second station had Mary and Joseph traveling to Bethlehem. Both of them were rather static and consisted to two people standing in front of a painting. They can be seen on the right in the picture below.
 Below are stations two and three from a different angle. 
Station three showed the birth of Jesus and is the traditional creche scene. The sheep were real and would probably be the most interesting part of the display for little kids.
Station four showed the appearance of the angels to the shepards, and it also had live sheep. One of the very few other observers asked where the sheep would stay overnight, and was told there was a trailer for them.  Unlike the people, the sheep seemed totally unconcerned with the cold. The little angels were getting rather antsy after having posed for close to an hour.
Station five showed the three wise men in front of some nicely painted camels. 
The last station was the empty tomb, a scene not normally associated with the nativity, but the scene without which none of the rest would matter.

This is the third year that Trinity Methodist has done the Live Nativity. They use four sets of people--each set is on station for one hour. So if you went this year, you might have seen different people than the people in these pictures.

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