Saturday, December 26, 2009

The mystery photo

I have been enjoying the mystery photo contest in the Rensselaer Republican, and sometimes I can guess it on Monday or Tuesday. The one this week, however, stumped me. I was able to figure out the six possible places it could be, but even if I had visited them, I am not sure I would have seen it because I might not have looked in the right place. However, one of my kids home for Christmas knew it immediately.

I actually have a picture of the object in one of my early blogs this year (see links above), but it is in the distance and you cannot see the design.

Two other people who enjoy this contest had not guessed it by yesterday, so I think this may be the toughest mystery photo since the underside of the court house bell.

If you have not figured it out yet, maybe the color will help.


  1. It's the play set at Saint Augustine. I live across the street. I actually guessed and turned it into the Republican.

  2. That was one I had no idea where in the world it would be. Thank you for the clue.


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