Wednesday, December 9, 2009

On the outskirts of a blizzard

The first blizzard of winter is moving through the upper midwest. We are seeing only the fringes of it, but even the fringes are going to cause problems. This was the view this morning near the first station.

It was not that cold--it has been colder previous mornings, but the wind was quite strong. It is a good day to stay at home if you can.


  1. This photograph requires an academically philosophical question: Is the photographer making an audacious statement about remaining in a redolent dormitory to avoid the risk of recrudescence when walking to class or an ironic statement challenging those to defy the weather or feel ignominious? I suppose this may require further review as the “if you can” is incomprehensibly enigmatic, but these comments are evidently extraneous to class discussion.

  2. I think the Innovator 2.0 should change his name to Ignorant smart-aleck: the Ultimate addition.
    -the Innovator 2.0's (unfortunate) girlfriend :)

  3. In the name of blog etiquette I respectfully protest the previous comment posted.


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