Sunday, January 24, 2010

Going to church the Kniman Church of God way

(I thought it would be interesting to use Sundays to focus on Rensselaer's churches and to see how many Sundays I can go before I run out of material. Indiana is richly endowed with religious denominations, with influences from North and South, East and West. This is part of that series of posts.)

The little town of Kniman may not have many people, but it has two churches (and a tavern). In addition to its Methodist Church, it has the Kniman Church of God. It is not listed in the "Church Services Directory" in the Rensselaer Republican.

I could not find a website for this church, but the denomination has one. The website gives this brief history of the denomination:
It was 1886, in a crude meeting house on the Tennessee-North Carolina border, where the Church of God traces its roots. There, a group of eight sincere Christians had a deep desire for a closer relationship and life with Christ. Realizing the futility of reforming their own churches, they established a new church whose objective would be to restore sound scriptural doctrines of the Bible, encourage deeper consecration and promote evangelism and Christian service.
From this seemingly insignificant origin has grown one of the most influential worldwide Pentecostal denominations. For nearly 120 years the Church of God has been a distinctive movement focused upon communicating the gospel in the power of the Holy Spirit. Presently, the Church of God has a world-wide membership of over 6 million with a presence in nearly 150 countries.
More about the beliefs of the members is here.
Poking around on the Internet I found the Indiana Church of God website and it pointed to the Wheatfield Lighthouse Worship Center at 4746 W 900 N Wheatfield, IN 46392. It has the same phone number and pastor, Lary Fugett, and google maps says the address is in Kniman. 


The Wikipedia entry on this denomination is here. Lee University in Cleveland TN is sponsored by the denomination.

1 comment:

    Greetings to one and all: In that most precious name. That name which is above every name, the name: "Jesus" ____There's tremendous power in that name. I'd suppose we'll never fully realize all that can truly be accomplished, by us simply calling out that name in true faith.____There's an old, old, gospel song that goes like this: Faith in the Father, faith in the Son, faith in the Holy Spirit, great victories are won. Demons will tremble and sinners will awake, faith in Jehovah will anything shake.____For you who have never come into this realization, if you're reading this, just give him a welcome into your heart and life. You will both feel and see an awesome difference. You will have also purchased the ticket to heaven (by accepting, therefore making him welcome to come into your life. You will also sup from His cup that contains living water. (As did the woman at the well of Bethesda.) John 4:10____Much love, ____Your brother in Christ Jesus, who is both our Lord, and "" ...


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