Wednesday, January 6, 2010


Last night I checked out the new Slice of Pie Pizza, but did not order pizza. Instead I tried the spaghetti. I ordered it with either soup or salad, but the order got confused a bit. The servings were large and the food was very good.

There were a lot of other people checking out Rensselaer's newest eatery--they had a waiting line for ordering and the booths were almost full. Many of the people were parking on the other side of College Avenue. In  time people will take the menus home and order by phone both for pickup and for eating at the restaurant, which should speed the flow of people through the restaurant.

(A digression: All organizations and businesses should have a website. In the case of a restaurant, a simple website with a menu would be nice. It is easy to do. In preparing a future Sunday post, I found this website for a church in Wheatfield. It is an example of a simple, free website that is easy to set up and maintain and that allows people to find you with a search.)

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