Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Mardi Gras and Spring

I hope you are having a nice Mardi Gras.

Spring is just around the corner. It may not seem like that when we wake up each morning and see another dusting of snow and as we continue day after day with the temperatures never getting above freezing. However, the days are getting longer. It is not completely dark at 5:30 in the evening or at 6:00 in the morning. The angle of the sun is getting higher. The high-school girls basketball season is over. The last home basketball games have been played at SJC. And the SJC baseball team has played their first games, down in Tennessee.

I asked several of the players what the weather was like on their trip to Tennessee. They said that it was cold, and it was snowing and raining during their games. There was some snow on the ground in Tennessee, but the field was clear because the ground maintenance had used sprinklers to get rid of the bit of snow that was on the field.

By the way, Lake Erie is almost completely frozen over for the first time in 14 years.

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