Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Winter scenes

January was a cold month, a month that even this former Minnesotan considered real winter. The creek in Weston Cemetery has been frozen, and the different layers or ledges of ice on the bank show that the water level has been falling. (If you want to watch water levels, you can always check out the data from the local USGS water guage.)
The Iroquois River has chunks of ice in its flow when the termperatures get really low. I do not understand why. I know that the river freezes over in those spots where it is deep and the current very slow. However, what would cause ice from those sections to break loose and float downstream? There are not just occasional bits--there is a lot of it.
The court house looks good any time of the year, including winter.
We have had some cold windy mornings, some bright sunny mornings, and some foggy mornings. Below is a picture of the grain elevator on one of the foggy mornings. Or to be more accurate, on one of the mornings when the clouds were only a few dozen feet above the ground.
Kids seem to enjoy winter more than adults do, at least if they can come inside when they start getting cold. Below a couple of kids were checking out the snow piles at the College Square Mall. Who does not remember climbing on piles like this when we were young?

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