Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Charles Halleck, RIP

Charles Halleck, the most famous person buried in Weston Cemetery, died on March 3, 1986. His grave marker is not especially big or notable. It is located in the old section of the cemetery, not too far from the road along the river. In the picture below, we are looking toward the east and the city sewage-lift station is visible in the background.
Here is a closer look at his marker.
I never met Halleck, but he lived in Rensselaer almost 12 years after I arrived.


  1. My first memory of Charlie Halleck is from the 1950s when I (and three other kids) bicycled throughout Rensselaer passing out handbills announcing a Halleck political rally at the high school and Charlie gave us each a ten dollar bill, which was a fortune to a kid in those days.

    My second memory is when Charlie arranged for former president Dwight Eisenhower to visit Rensselaer and the two of them rode from St. Joe in an open convertible along Washington Street and as I stood leaning against the corner traffic light in front of Fendig's Drug Store old Ike, about twenty feet away, waved and smiled at me.

    The third (and last) time was in the late 1970s when Charlie was old and sitting in Rafferty's Restaurant. When I paused beside his table and reminded him of the 1950s Rally and the ten dollar bill, he said (in a less than sober voice) "God bless you, son."


  2. Have you ever done a blog on Tom Harmon and his Rensselaer ties?



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