Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Spring is coming Updated

Spring is almost here. When I left Rensselaer more than a week ago for spring break, I heard red-wing blackbirds at a rest stop along I-65 north of Indianapolis. One of my co-workers told me that the sandhill cranes are back in the northern part of the county. The snow that was everywhere when I left was almost gone when I got back. I did manage to find a dirty pile of mall snow behind Autozone, but that was the only significant snow I could find.
Today I noticed that the Busy Bee is open again--so spring really is almost here. It just needs to warm up a bit more.
 What signs of spring have you seen?

I saw robins today for the first time. Sheila beat me to them.

There was also a class meeting outside at Saint Joe's today under the watchful eye of Sister Drexel. They even look like they are paying attention.
Update 2 Wednesday morning:
This morning I saw some crocuses ready to bloom. Spring is here.


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