Monday, March 8, 2010

Squatch's custom motorbikes

As I was leaving Dee's Art Studio the other day, I bumped into John Howard, owner of He told me to stop in so he could tell me what he was up to. I did, although I had already heard most of what he had to tell me from Dee.  (They are neighbors on Merritt.)

Sasquatch Woods is in the process of shutting down wood art sales from the Merritt Street shop. Instead, sales of the product line will be from a booth at Greene's Antique Mall, and a similar place in Monticello. The shop on Merritt will house another business, Squatch's Custom Motorbike. John is a distributor for a company called EZ Motorbike Company.  They sell motors that turn a bicycle into a motorbike. You can buy the kit and do the installation yourself, or you can hire John to do it for you.

After he graduated from high school, John spent a number of years working as an auto mechanic, so he undoubtedly has the skills needed to do this. He had two bikes on which he was beginning work. The motor costs about $600, and you can get over 200 miles per gallon. (You can get even more if you turn off the motor and just peddle.)
Here is a closer look at the motor.
 I will stop by again in a few weeks and see how this initiative is going. I told him he needs to sell in a much wider area than Rensselaer, and he said that he knows that.

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