Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Welcoming home the conquering heroes

The Saint Joseph's College men's basketball team returned to campus this afternoon in glory. Two of the city's firetrucks and a couple of police cars met their bus south of the campus and escorted it through town, sirens screaming.
They then looped around and approached the campus on Drexel Blvd. When the bus turned into the fieldhouse drive, several hundred fans met it.
Here is Cory Hrynyk with the net of victory draped around his neck. He looks pretty happy, and he should be. Saint Joseph's is the first eight seed in a Division 2 regional basketball tournament to win the region and make it to the final eight. They won three games by a total of five points, and won the title game in triple overtime.
The trophy will have a privileged place in the trophy case. About five years ago Saint Joe's had a really good basketball team that won the conference tournament and finished the season with only three losses, but it did not even make it to the regional finals. College teachers often complain about students who under perform, but this team certainly is not guilty of that.
After about five minutes the crowd began to disperse. What a wonderful way to celebrate a warm and sunny Saint Patrick's Day.

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