Thursday, April 22, 2010

Library survey

The Jasper County Library has a survey on their home page that they want people to fill out. I can see it using the Safari and Opera browsers, but it does not display for Firefox. (I am on a Macintosh). Anyone else using a browser that does not display it? On my Firefox browser I can see the words "Click above image to learn more" but no image displays. (Using their other address does not help.)
Update: It seems to be just my Firefox browser. It must have a bad setting somewhere, but I cannot find it.


  1. You need to refresh your web page. You must have an old version of the page stuck in your browser cache. If this works for you, please let people know. Thanks.

  2. that would be a java script error that your not seeing the middle of the page which are announcements and adds you have to click the link at the right to get the survey. to re-enable javascript goto firefox then preferences then content and put a check on enable javascript. hope this helps.


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