Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Painting the water tower

On Sunday a worker was painting the city water tower south of town. The top of the tower had already been painted, and the word Rensselaer was only faintly visible through the new paint.
You should be able to see that the color on the left, which is the new coat, is a bit different from the color on the right. And if you cannot quite see what the guy is doing, look at his shadow. It looked like he was using a roller. I would have expected him to be using a paint gun.
There is not much of a floor in the bottom of his cage, is there?

On Monday there was more activity. The primer coat had been applied, and now several workers were applying a white coat on top of it. In addition to the guy in the bucket, another guy was slowly ascending to top on some ropes.
As he got close the the top he began to spin as the ropes got tangled.
Eventually he made it to the top and joined another worker who was already there, He later came down a bit and was painting this area of the water tank. You can see the old Rensselaer lettering beneath the primer coat.
Meanwhile the guy in the bucket was busy painting the tank.
Here is a closer look at him. If you click on the picture for a bigger view, you can see that the bottom of the cage has a mesh floor.
Wouldn't you like to have this job?

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