Saturday, May 8, 2010

My last graduation

Tomorrow may be the last college graduation I ever attend. (That is a wish more than a prediction.) I am retiring from Saint Joseph's College and with my attendance at the graduation I will have completed all my contractual obligations. As I have been cleaning out my office, I have found a number of old papers that bring back memories (such as here). Below is part of instructions to the faculty for the graduation ceremony at my first SJC graduation, in the spring of 1975. (Click on the picture to get a better view.)

I count only five of the people on this list who are still teaching at SJC: Fr. Gilbert, John Egan, Robert Garrity, John Nichols, and Charles Kerlin.

A lot of others have come and gone in the 36 years I have been there.

(On Monday I will try to update this with a few memories of past graduations, including some embarrassing graduation moments.)


  1. Congratulations on your 36 years at SJC. That is quite an accomplishment. Perhaps with your free time you may want to consider a new adventure, like being the feature photographer for The Rensselaer E-Mailer. The digital age continues and the printed age--well--goes into retirement. Perhaps we can chat sometime. NT

  2. Congratulations on your retirement! Can't wait to hear some of your memories! The list you shared here has names I haven't heard in a long time...

  3. It was nice to read the names from your first graduation. Good memories attached to most of those folks who have passed away or moved on.

  4. Happy retirement to you,
    Happy retirement to you,
    Happy retirement to Bob,
    Happy retirement to you.

  5. Actually there have been "ghosts" or the souls of the deceased, at St Joe. Here is my personal story of my encounter with them.

    Rescue of Some Good Souls Who Thought They Were Bad -- Wherein a compassionate man helped some Catholic souls to Heaven, out of a situation in which they were stuck. (95-11)

    By the way, I later realized that the priest I was being urged to look for was Fr. Hiller, whom I had for German language class, and was deceased by the time of the incident.


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