Monday, May 31, 2010

See construction, take pictures

In November, the city park workers demolished the shelter nearest LaRue Pool. On Sunday, May 16, they began rebuilding it. Naturally I took pictures because whenever I see construction I have an almost irresistible urge to pull out my camera and take pictures.
They rather quickly got the framing up. I asked how long it would take for them to finish, and they said that they expected to be done the next day, on Monday.
They were wrong. The weather did not cooperate, and it was not until a few days later that they finished the roof.
A few days later they were spreading stone to form the foundation for the concrete pad.
Then it was time to wait for the cement trucks.
On Wednesday, May 16 two of them arrived. It took about an hour to pour the cement.
The trucks came in from the highway entrance and made deep ruts in the grass. It may be a challenge to erase them. Notice that there is no re-enforcing rod or mesh. Is that because the load that this pad will take will be light so that no re-enforcing steel is necessary?
Workers then spent a hours smoothing the wet concrete before they enclosed it to protect if from kids who might want to leave a mark.
As of Memorial Day weekend, the shelter is not quite ready. Some of the electrical conduit is in place, but the wiring still has to be installed. Below is a view of the empty electrical receptacles and also another view of the ruts.
PS I was in Morocco on Sunday, and their swimming pool was open with quite a few patrons enjoying the water on a very hot day.

1 comment:

  1. Last year, a homeowner one street over from us in Indianapolis had his driveway replaced. They also did not use rebar. He asked why they didn't and was told that there are reinforcing fibers in the concrete mix itself, making the use of rebar redundant.

    Concrete driveways are typically poured 4" thick; did you happen to catch how thick the pad for the shelterhouse was?



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