Sunday, May 23, 2010

Watery graves

On Friday Rensselaer received over an inch of rain. Late in the day the rain clouds finally passed to the east and the sun, and people, came out. The new addition to Weston Cemetery had a pond near Bunkum Road.
Going into the cemetery, one could see that there were actually a series of little ponds, and that water was running from the north west to the south east.
There was a substantial flow through the western fence that separates the cemetery from what was once a trailer park.
On the other side of the fence were more little ponds that seemed to stretch up to the Countryside subdivision.
After heavy rains water probably flowed this way long before Rensselaer was settled. It has to go somewhere, and it takes a lot of effort to divert it from established drainage patterns.

The drainage in the new cemetery addition is very good, and by Saturday morning the ponds were gone.

(What happened to the church posts? See the note here.)

1 comment:

  1. Yes, I appreciate your look at the puddles and lakes around. It was surprising how much water when I headed out south of town.


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