Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Culver's Root

A couple of weeks ago I noticed this plant along one of the area roads. I did not know what it was, so I went to the guide books to find it. It seems to be Culver's Root, or Veronicastrum virginicum.
Below is a closer look at the flower spike. It is cultivated in some flower gardens. It name reflects a past of medicinal use.
The leaves help with the identification.
Have you ever seen it in a flower garden?

I do not have it listed in the Bulletin Board, but NICHES has a native plant walk at the Fisher Oak Savannah on July 15 at 6:00 p.m.

1 comment:

  1. We have a similar plant but with purple blooms. It was listed as "dragons teeth" by the co. from whom we purchased it. It takes over the whole garden and is a great drawer of bees.


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