Monday, June 21, 2010

Farmers' Market

Today is the summer solstice, the longest day of the year. Tomorrow the days will start getting shorter, though you probably will not notice it at first. Did I ruin your day with that observation?

One of the things I like best things about summer is gardens. I stopped by the Farmers' Market on the Court House Square to see what was for sale, not really to buy anything, but to see how other people's gardens were doing. There were new potatoes for sale, and before I came there were a few green beans. Mine still are a few days away from ready. And someone had turnips. I grow a few of them not because I like them, but because they grow so well. I think before Columbus introduced new foods into Europe from the Americas (potato, green bean, corn or maize, squash, peanut, and sweet potato were all developed in the Americas), turnips probably were a major crop. That is a thought as depressing as the realization that the days will be getting shorter.
I was impressed to see cabbages there and also some broccoli in the cooler to the left. They lady selling them said that she had started them very early and that they were an early variety.
This may have been the last weekend that strawberries were on sale. I saw a couple buying strawberries and rhubarb for a pie. Rhubarb does seem to be better mixed with something. How about rhubarb-raspberry pie? I did not see any raspberries there, but there are plenty of wild ones throughout the county.
Several vendors had onions and one had small red beets. There were not too many peas for sale--I think people do not want to take the time to shell them. The cucumbers surprised me. I forgot to plant some this year, but I never have had them this early. And I think there are some gooseberries in the picture. What do you do with them--eat them fresh, or cook with them? I have a few that have come up in the back yard and am not sure what I should do with them.
The bottom line--there is now enough for sale at the Farmers' Market to make stopping by worthwhile.

Update: I forgot tomato, another vegetable developed in the Americas.


  1. Keep showing the farmers' market. It is cool!

  2. Has anyone ever tasted white turnips? My neighbor grew them last year and they are delicious!! I wonder if they have any at the Farmers Market.

  3. I just found your blog. Your photos are great! I think you would absolutely have to cook gooseberries to use them. They are much too sour to just pick and eat off the bush. Gooseberry pie is excellent--also the only thing I have ever made with gooseberries.
    By the way, the snowpeas shown in your photo have an edible pod, so one would not have to shell them. (Think Chinese stir-fry.)


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