Thursday, June 17, 2010

Give me shelter

On Saturday, June 12, the JC Cruisers began to build a picnic shelter in Brookside Park. This shelter will be accessible from SR 114 and takes up a corner of the expanded parking lot. It will be used by the JC Cruisers for their car show on July 10.

The first task was to drill the holes for the support posts.
About half an hour later, after I had checked out the forest fire that was raging north of town (I will have a post about it in a few days), I came back and saw that they had begun to erect the posts. Three of the people there do this sort of job for a living, and they soon took over and did most of the work. They clearly knew what they were doing. Jobs that seem impossible to most of us are not that hard for those who have the right knowledge and the right tools.
About half an hour later they were placing the last of the trusses in place.
Once the trusses were approximately in place. a couple of boards formed the peak of the roof.
Then more boards were placed onto the trusses to support the roof. The two guys on top manually hammered in their nails, while the guys working below the roof used a nail gun. There were plenty of guys there, but most of them were not needed too much, and they left the work to the pros.
Given the speed at which they were working, I expected to see them working on the roof very quickly. But instead it took them a long time to do all the little jobs that they had to do to get all the woodworking done.
Finally in the afternoon the roof went on.
Just before the rains came, they put on the metal pieces that seal the crack at the peak of the roof. Notice that there is a lot of metal work that is being done just below the roof. I am not sure why they did this--it is not on the other shelters.
Late in the afternoon thunder and rain stopped their work before they were finished. There was still some work around the edge below the roof, and the ends of the buildings were not finished.  If they are going to have a concrete floor poured, they have not prepared for that.
If you attend the car show in the park on July 10, give a close look at the shelter that the JC Cruisers have built. It is a nice addition to Brookside Park.


  1. You're going to make us wait for the forest fire?

    With all the construction you observe, you'll be ready to enter a second career of contractor soon.



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